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Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So today I spent the day listening to awesome music!!! At least I think its awesome (i don't what you like in music). So i love this song its called "Friday I'll Be Over You" by: Allison Iraheta. I think this song is awesome and other positive words I don't wanna list. :) Oh and another song I found out I like is pretty cool is "How Do You Love Me Now" by: Hey Monday. But You Know i do have other taste in music other than these songs so I show you a more girly happy song. So there is this AMAZING song i heard a few weeks ago and they just made a music video for it (how cool right)!!! Its called "Love Like Woe" by: The Ready Set. It is the super ______<-- insert most positive adjective. I'm pretty sure you have all heard this song already though sooooo ......idk. Oh this is a good song not totally awesome but its not lame sauce soo yeah, its called "Pyramid" bye: Charice ft. Iyaz. But the song that has been stuck in my head for 2 days has been "La La La" by: Auburn ft. Iyaz. The part that was in my head was the chorus . Oh and here's an old song "Wannabe" by: The Spice Girls. Old huh. ;) But the song that is my favorite at the end of the day is "U.G.L.Y" by: Daphne and Celeste. I've known that song sience I was Little. So my question for now is WHAT IS YOUR FAVE MUSIC ARTIST AND YOUR FAVE SONG?!?!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I'm crazy, I'm silly, I'm funny, I'm cute, I'm brave, I'm gurly, I'm sweet, I'm loud, I'm cheerful, I'm opinionated, I'm energetic, I'm annoying, I'm fun, I'm outgoing... Sometimes I'm not everything I wish i could be, but I'm everything I need to be. I'm just me, and I like it like that. <3
I think this is an amazing quote and every girl should believe in it. It tells you to like 
everything about yourself. Don't ever change who you are. :)
This song is kind of what I'm saying 
<------ that song

Saturday, October 9, 2010


OMG my costume is gonna be AweSome!!! My mommy is taking apart my Comic Con. bags to make a dress, it's gonna be So Cool!!! As you can tell from my many exclamation points I'm very excited :D . So what outrageous costume or not as outrageous costume do you have and stuff :p .

Friday, October 8, 2010


It's October and its 22 more days until Halloween!!!! :D i'm so happy Halloween is one of my Favorite holiday because you get FREE candy!!!! Cause you know who doesn't Looovvee candy? I no who, people with diabetes ....... you know cause they can die (p.s. its not funny cause they have diabetes its a very serious matter :l <- serious face) Well i'm going to have a comic con bag dress for Halloween :] and then i'm going trick or treating with my friend-ies XD YAY FREE CANDY!!!!! So my question for you ghouls and gals is What are YOU gonna be for Halloween >u<>

After A Month Of School

Well, its been a few weeks of school already and it pretty much sucked at first, but now school's fun-ish :/ maybe not fun but ....ok. So far everyones settled in school and hanging out with their buddies :D. Right now i'm back to hanging out with me friends after school doing my home work in class, cause at home i don't like to do anything. So i'm just wondering whats your fav class and stupid junk about you that people only ask to start conversation so .... just comment and talk to yourself and maybe i'll take the time to read about all that stuff. XD (sorry if i sound rude but that's what i do i'm very blunt)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day Of School

Today was the first day of school. Many of the rules have changed, for example they made the detentions longer (20 min. changed to 30 min.)and we can't use nylon book covers due to budget cuts. The covers damage the bind so now we have to use paper bag book covers. The school budget cuts in CA are affecting my school. We can't get new books so we have to take really good care of the ones we have now. The teachers hours have been cut due to lack of school funding. Since the economy is doing badly right now were having budget cuts in California Schools (as you all know i hope) I think we shouldn't have cut cost from school funding because the kids are the future and they should get money for their education.